Grapevine: The Player Side of Gossip

By Eric Oestrich

Grapevine is the new player side of the Gossip Network, you can find it at This new site is geared towards players of games that are connected to Gossip.

On this site you can view a list of all of the games on Gossip and see how to connect to them. You can view what a game profile looks like over at the MidMUD page.

The more exciting feature of Grapevine is registering your in-game characters to your Grapevine profile. You do this by sending a tell to Grapevine’s “in-game” user with a unique code. This lets Grapevine know who you are and what game you’re connecting from.

Once you initiate the registration process, you can approve or deny the character on your profile page. Once approved the character shows up on your profile page. You can view my profile over at

The final feature of Grapevine right now is being able to chat on Gossip from the web. This lets you chat as your username showing up as from Grapevine.

Future Features

In the future I want to keep extending what Grapevine has available. One of the biggest ideas floating around is adding in achievements for games.

Games can register achievements on their game inside Gossip and then mark characters as having unlocked them. This would then show up on your Grapevine profile for connected characters.

If you’re interested in helping shape the future of Grapevine, come join us on the MUD Coders Guild and let us know what you’re thinking! And if you’re a MUD admin, you can have your game show up on Grapevine by heading over to Gossip and registering there.